Essential Oils vs. Music: The Science of Creating a Positive Atmosphere
By Mark, a Makaaina team member Creating the perfect ambiance can be achieved with two powerful tools: essential oils...
The Sweet Scents of Support: Essential Oils and Taylor Swift Fans, An Unexpected Parallel
By Mark, Makaaina team member When you first think about essential oils and Taylor Swift fans (affectionately known as...
Discovering Aromatherapy: A Gentle Introduction to Natural Wellness
By Mark, Makaaina team member Have you ever noticed? The scent of fresh-baked cookies can instantly transport you...
Cinnamon: A Versatile Spice with Holistic Benefits
Cinnamon, a fragrant spice derived from the bark of the Cinnamomum tree, has been used for centuries in both culinary...
Clove: A Holistic Healing Powerhouse
Clove, in both its whole and essential oil form, has been used for centuries in various holistic practices. Here's how...
10 Common Myths About Essential Oils
MYTH: All essential oils are created equal. TRUTH: Quality and purity vary greatly between brands. Look for reputable...